Atlanta Car Collision Attorneys

Atlanta GA Accident Lawyer

Damages Available For Auto Accident Cases In Atlanta GA - An auto accident settlement may not be able to compensate for your emotional, physical, and financial losses. But it can go a long way toward securing your financial future. If you are a car accident victim in Atlanta, the law in Georgia allows you to recover many different damages - categorized into two sections like special and general. Economic damages come under special damages such as: Medical expenses - You can recover the costs of medications, treatments, scans, x-rays, hospital stays, ambulance transportation, surgeries, and other therapies relating to the accident. If your injuries need life-long medical care, the judge will award an amount to cover such expenses too. Lost wages - If you stayed at home due to the injuries, the court will compensate you for lost income. This will include compensation for promotions and raises you would have received if not for the injuries. Property damage - Losses to your property is also covered under the compensation you receive when you are involved in an auto accident due to the negligence of another party. The court will award an amount to repair or replace your damaged items. They will get an estimate of the prices of the lost items from an expert before paying for property damages.
Non-economic or intangible losses are covered under general damages. You don't need to have proof of a specific amount of harm to claim these damages. You should prove the mental and emotional damages through medical documentation as well as testimony from expert witnesses. Examples of general damages are: Emotional suffering and distress, Physical pain, Mental anguish, Diminished capacity to earn a living, PSTD or post-traumatic stress disorder, Lost quality of life, and Missed opportunities in the workplace.
GA Auto Accident Laws - The auto accident claim process looks different from state to state. You should consult the Atlanta Police Department if you or someone in your family is involved in an auto accident that results in more than $500 property damage, death or injury to any party. There are three locations in Atlanta where you can file your auto accident claim. The State Court of Fulton County has jurisdiction in all civil cases in Atlanta. If the claim is less than $15,000, you need to file your case with the Magistrate Court of Fulton County.
Car Insurance Needs - Every vehicle owner in Atlanta should have auto insurance with minimum requirements. The requirements include $25,000 for bodily injury to a single person, $50,000 for bodily injury to multiple people, and $25,000 in property damage. Fault system - Insurance providers in Georgia will determine liability after a vehicle crash before offering coverage. The driver at fault is responsible for injuries and property damages as a result of the accident.
Damage caps - Georgia doesn't have a statewide cap on the amount of compensation you could claim. But there is a $250,000 limit on punitive damages. Punitive damages are awarded by the court to punish the defendant for acts like gross negligence and intent to harm. Comparative negligence laws - Ga sticks to the modified comparative negligence rule. This rule states that the injured party can still receive compensation even if the individual is partially responsible for the crash. If the courts understand that the plaintiff is 50% at fault, he or she is still eligible to recover damages.
Deadline for filing - You get 2 years to file a case of personal injury in Atlanta. After the statute of limitations expires, the courts may refuse to hear your case. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C is a trusted name when it comes to all types of auto accident cases in Atlanta GA. Call Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C law firm right now if you or someone in your life has been involved in a car accident.

Atlanta GA Auto Accident Attorney

Car Accident Lawyers - Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. - A vehicle or rather all traffic accidents have the potential to be devastating to victims and their families forever. If you are a victim of a traffic or car accident, we are in a position to help you with your compensation claim. We have a team of highly skilled personal injury lawyers across our 8 Georgia offices including Atlanta. We will help you protect and fight for your legal right to receive compensation for your injuries, damages, and losses.
Our Atlanta injury lawyers at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., have years of experience in this area of the law. Due to this, we are in a better position to offer legal advice, consultation, and representation. Through case evaluation, we will determine who can be held liable for the injuries and deal with the insurance company on your behalf. This will help you by giving you space to recover in peace.

Hiring a Law Firm in Atlanta GA

Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyers - No individual likes to be a victim of a vehicle accident. But a vehicle accident can take place whenever you want. Should you or anyone with your family was involved in a car accident, you could undergo thousands of medical bills, physical pain, discomfort, lost income, and emotional distress. You have to know you possess options if you experience this sort of incident. Most people will be perplexed while they are involved in an automobile accident and don't know what to do next. It is important after you have undergone medical treatments is usually to consult a professional automobile accident lawyer in Atlanta. Atlanta has a huge selection of car accident attorneys. But every one of these lawyers usually are not created alike. Your quest determines the quality of the lawyer you choose. You should be doing the necessary homework before choosing the best motor vehicle accident law office in Atlanta. That's where Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. comes in handy. Kenneth is really a high quality injury lawyer in Atlanta. The lawyers at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. have extensive experience of handling a variety of injury lawsuits. Our expert team of auto accident attorneys is prepared to visit that extra mile in order to satisfy the requirements of our customers in Atlanta and its particular suburbs. That's why you should call Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. for all of your auto accident lawsuit needs in Atlanta.

The Best GA Accident & Injury Lawyers

While it may seem overwhelming to reply to countless questions, you need to provide us with the maximum amount of information as possible. We would like to help you with your case, so we should know how things occurred and who might have witnessed the accident firsthand. When you will find witnesses involved that may vouch to suit your needs and offer statements from the other driver, this is a positive thing since it makes it easier for all of us to prove that you will be owed compensation from your other driver due to their wrongdoings. Many things can happen when different drivers are on the streets. A driver could decide to look at their phone while taking their eyes off the road for a couple seconds. However, during those couple of seconds while they are failing to pay attention, that driver could have slammed directly into your automobile. The impact of your crash could have caused you to be prone to serious injuries. Even if your driver had not been distracted from the phone, they could have been driving while beneath the influence or speeding since they were running late for work. Regardless of what happened, we will work difficult to get to the foot of it. Our law practice takes all cases seriously. Taking care of Reconstructing the Accident to Prove Who Caused It When we have the vast majority of details you have provided, we wish to recreate the accident scene. We can easily enlist specialized help from experts that realize how to reconstruct one of your accident scene that shows how the vehicles were before, during, and soon after the collision. The reconstructed accident scene would include each of the essential details, including any stoplights or stop signs that have been posted with the intersection. The principal reason for getting the accident scene reconstructed is to supply a full visual of the things happened and exactly how it happened. Surveillance footage is not always available when accidents occur, and so the reconstructed scene is definitely the next smartest thing. If you find high-quality surveillance footage in the accident, it can be better still. Seeing that more business people and homeowners are installing surveillance cameras away from their properties, it is actually easier than it was actually before to find footage from the accident. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no guarantee how the accident was caught on camera, but we are going to work hard to find out if any of the homeowners in your community possess footage relating to the accident you were involved with. We all do this because we wish to have as much evidence since we will find to back up any claim you will be making from the other driver to have compensation to the damages.

The Best GA Auto Accident & Injury Attorneys

When investing in into a car crash, there is a lot that may happen. You are able to get a vehicle that may be fully damaged, and you could experience among the most painful injuries which may alter your life in different ways. Although auto accidents are standard, some accidents are far much more serious than others. These accidents are often a result of different factors, including poor road conditions due to weather and distracted drivers that happen to be busy doing something different when they ought to be paying attention to the path. If you are just involved in an accident and you also was required to hang out inside the hospital due to severe injuries you sustained, Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. wishes to help. Our law firm within the Atlanta area regularly handles accidental injury claims for clients. We certainly have helped our clients recover damages for what they are through, and we would like to help you receive well-deserved compensation after your automobile accident. In the end, you might need a reliable and experienced attorney on your side.

Auto Accident Law Firm - Ken Nugent

While it might appear overwhelming to respond to countless questions, you must give us the maximum amount of information as you can. We wish to help you with your case, so we should know how things occurred and who could have witnessed the accident firsthand. When you can find witnesses involved that can vouch to suit your needs and offer statements up against the other driver, it really is a positive thing as it makes it easier for people like us to prove you are owed compensation in the other driver due to their wrongdoings. Several things can happen when different drivers are on the road. A driver could decide to look at their phone while taking their eyes off of the road for a couple seconds. However, during those few seconds if they are not paying attention, that driver could have slammed directly into your vehicle. The impact in the crash might have caused you to be prone to serious injuries. Whether or not the driver had not been distracted by the phone, they could have been driving while underneath the influence or speeding simply because they were running late for work. No matter what happened, we shall work challenging to the base of it. Our law practice takes all cases seriously. Taking care of Reconstructing the Accident to Prove Who Caused It Once we have most of the details you have provided, we should recreate the accident scene. We can enlist specialist help from experts that realize how to reconstruct one of your accident scene that shows exactly how the vehicles were before, during, and just after the collision. The reconstructed accident scene would include every one of the essential details, including any stoplights or stop signs that had been posted with the intersection. The key function of finding the accident scene reconstructed is to provide a full visual of the happened and exactly how it happened. Surveillance footage might not be available when accidents occur, so the reconstructed scene is the next smartest thing. If you have high-quality surveillance footage in the accident, it is actually much better. Since more company owners and homeowners are installing surveillance cameras outside of their properties, it is actually easier than it had been before to find footage of the accident. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no guarantee that the accident was caught on camera, but we shall work difficult to get out if any one of the home owners in the region possess any footage relating to the accident you have been involved in. We all do this because we would like to have as much evidence when we can discover to back up any claim you might be making up against the other driver to acquire compensation for the damages.

Atlanta Georgia Car Collision Lawyers

Atlanta Georgia Car Collision Lawyers

Be careful when driving in construction sites and follow the laid-out cones for the best results. In conclusion, an auto accident can be very devastating. Feel free to call our law firm if you or someone you know has been involved in one. We are here to help. Call us now!

Atlanta Georgia Auto Accident Law Firms

How Much Compensation Will I Receive on Filing a Car Crash Claim in Atlanta? The amount of compensation that you will receive will depend on all facts surrounding your case. Our skilled attorneys can help calculate the tentative amount that is owed to you for injuries and damages you get in an accident. Georgia is an ‘at-fault’ state and as such, the amount of compensation that you will receive on filing an auto collision claim in Atlanta will be gauged depending on how much you were at-fault when the accident happened. If you were not responsible in any way for causing the accident, then the at-fault party will have to compensate you fully. If you were at-fault to a certain degree, say 5%, then the other driver will have to compensate you for the other 95% of damages that you sustain.
Apart from the actual damages that you sustain in an accident, some of the other factors that are considered when calculating the total compensation due to you include: Any loss in income, Intangible loses such as pain and suffering, Cost of receiving treatment, And Cost of any future treatment that you may have to seek because of your injuries.
There is no actual way of understanding the damages that you should receive after an auto accident but based on our experience in handling auto crashes, our lawyers can tabulate the compensation that you should get. We will then fight relentlessly to ensure that you receive the restitution that you deserve. Should I Accept an Early Compensation Offer from The Insurance Company? After an accident, insurance companies know that you are at a low point emotionally and that you need money to pay for medical bills and sustain your family. As such, do not be surprised if they approach you with a cash offer in exchange for not filing a crash claim. At the law firm of Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., we advise all our clients to reject the first compensation offer given by insurance companies. In fact, you should not even talk to the representatives of the insurance company. Instead, refer them to your lawyer. If you see an insurance company approaching you with an offer immediately after an auto crash, it is a sign that your case is worth much more.
Our lawyers have extensive experience in dealing with insurance companies. Let us deal with them as you recuperate. We will use the negotiating skills that we have honed over our years of representing auto crash victims to ensure that you are not short changed by insurance companies. As you are recuperating, you can be sure that we will be aggressively fighting to ensure that you get what is rightly owed to you.

Atlanta Georgia Auto Accident Law Firms
Atlanta Car Collision Attorney
Atlanta Car Collision Attorney

At Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., we will take the following steps to ensure your case is successful: Collect Evidence – Our lawyers will collect the evidence needed to show the other party was at fault. As such, we will talk to witnesses, take photos and videos, review traffic surveillance, and even go through police reports.
Work With Experts – We work with other experts, such as doctors (to explain your injuries to the judge). Other experts include accident recreation experts, forensic experts, and others. Moreover, we work with professional insurance appraisal experts to determine the true worth of your injuries, damages, and losses. At Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., we value expert input, so that we can deliver the best.
Negotiate With Insurance Companies – Do you know that a majority of personal injury cases are solved out of court? Because of this, insurance companies always want to settle the cases first to offer lower amounts and save money. However, since we will first work on determining the true worth of your case, we will help you negotiate with the company to get the true worth of your case.

Atlanta Georgia Car Accident Lawyers

Tailgating, Failing to obey traffic rules (such as red lights, stop signs, driving maximum speed, and others, Speeding, Driving while under the influence, Failing to keep an eye on the road and Failing to yield to traffic with the right of way.
The severity of the injury is another factor that determines if you have a case or not. According to Georgia law, those that meet specific car accident conditions can legally file a car accident claim. On the other hand, a victim can be able to recover compensation from their personal injury protection insurance policy.
What Do I Need To Know About Georgia’s Personal Injury Protection Insurance (PIP)? All drivers are required to have a Personal Injury Protection insurance; according to the traffic laws of Georgia. The best thing about PIP insurance is that it offers benefits to accident victims regardless of who was at fault for the accident. That is why it is also referred to as ‘no-fault’ insurance. The only condition to getting the benefits under the PIP insurance policy is – the victim must receive medical treatment within fourteen days.
Aside from getting insurance benefits that are more than $2,500, the victim must be receiving treatment for an emergency medical condition’. Georgia law defines an emergency medical condition as a medical condition that demands immediate medical attention and can reasonably be expected to be fatal to a victim’s health. Our lawyers will work closely with your insurance company to ensure that you get all the PIP benefits you are legally allowed. To know more about Georgia’s PIP programs, click here.

Atlanta Georgia Car Accident Lawyers
Atlanta GA Accident Lawyers

Atlanta GA Accident Lawyers

It takes a long time to process the stress and trauma of an accident. You might be dealing with nightmares and post-traumatic stress from the event that you need to be compensated for. Getting into an accident that isn't your fault affects you in many ways and you need to walk away with money to pay your bills and other expenses.
You learn what your case is worth when you work with us. If you decide to go forward with your case, our team will get right to work so you can get the compensation you deserve. The earlier you call the better so we can get started on your case. We are prepared to take your case all the way to trial.

Georgia is recognized as an at-problem status, meaning the motorist who was liable for the accidents accounts for every one of the charges of the crash. This consists of clear charges like property harm and medical expenses for your hurt particular person, but it may also consist of indirect costs as well.

Inform the insurance providers about the mishap. Even if you won't be making a claim with it, you should still inform your own insurance carrier after an auto accident. You should look into your accident and submit a claim. Settlement discussions. File a lawsuit, then appear in court.